July 1, 2022

Is SEO Really Worth It? Why Is It Often Overlooked?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization), a term that most business owners mentioned they know how it works, but is often overlooked in the world of digital marketing. Is it worth investing? We’ll find out in this article. 

We’re in an online era. Businesses and customers are all constantly browsing through seas of online content and ads daily. As such, online advertising on major platforms such as Google or Facebook is now a must for businesses large and small to capture opportunities along their customer journey. While most digital marketing actions involve using ads, SEO in particular is about taking time to improve your holistic website experience and content that is both useful and having the right keywords. 

While owners understood the rough concept of SEO, almost none wholeheartedly invested in it because of the long wait time, usually 8-12 months, and there can be no guarantee that your ranking will be on #1 position. In contrast to various online ads when you can see your spending, and your ROI right away. 

So, Should We Invest in SEO? Definitely

We highly recommend doing SEO for your long-term growth to get more qualified website traffic, improve brand awareness, and reduce your reliance on paid advertising. 

The Importance of Doing SEO

It’s one of the most sustainable solutions you can do for your business growth, even if it takes over 8-12 months to achieve considerably high ranking. The goal is to still get a high volume of website traffic, with high purchase intent whenever your customer searches for anything related to your business. 

While online advertising is being more competitive and more restrictive due to an increasing privacy policy enforcement, SEO is gradually being a more interesting choice to invest to lead in the future.

What is SEO and Why is It Important?

SEO is basically the art and science of improving your website performance, user experience and content to the point that it provides unique values that match what your customers are searching for. If your website can do all this, chances are it will rank on top of Google’s first page and enjoy more than 80% of clicks.  

Today we will look at the 7 factors of good SEO optimization. 

7 Keys to a Good SEO

We provided a checklist for those who wish to tap into the power of better rankings. 

1. Website Structure

You’ll need to run an audit of your website to check if the structure and performance are good enough to start with. Most of the time we will work with your website developer to fix points we found which will impact website load speed and coding. In some cases we will need to revamp the website from its root to comply with Google’s best practices which give us better chances of ranking well. 

2. Mobile Friendliness

If your website doesn’t perform well on mobile, it will not rank well. Google knows most of its users are browsing on mobile and thus you are to put great emphasis on your mobile site and its load speed. Check yours using Page speed Insights tool here : https://pagespeed.web.dev/

3. User Experience

This ensures the ease of use, how smooth the experience is, the number of errors found and more. With a well-developed website, users will stay on your site longer and tend to come back to your site to browse more information or shop more. Without a good user experience and minimal error, your website will not rank well on Google.

Mobile-friendly users
SEO Keyword Search

4. Keyword Research

Having a great website is one thing, having relevant keywords that clients in your business search for is as important as having a good website performance. You will need to know which exact keywords people search, and aim to have those keywords in your website. Quality contents play a great role here. You must weave keywords in a smart and natural way. Blindly stuffing keywords around will not work but instead will get a heavy penalty from Google instead. 

5. Useful Content

One thing we can’t emphasize enough is the uniqueness and usefulness of your website content. Done are the days of keyword stuffing and non-relevant content on your website. Now, you will need to write 10x better than your competitors to rank #1, not just 2x. 

6. Social Media Shares

Social channels are great ways to build backlinks to your website and increase your website visibility. The more you share the better, as long as it has got engagement. 

7. Backlinks

When a lot of high-traffic, high-trustworthy websites in your industry link back to you, that is a strong signal that your website is also trustworthy. We need quality backlinks to rank better in some highly competitive spaces. Read more about backlinks at : www.convertdigital.co.th/th/what-is-backlink/

Doing SEO may not come easy, especially without the right expert in-house. Consult us and hear some of our ideas in transforming your website into a traffic getter today. 

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